Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Pullback Toy Ohmu King Bug

Studio Ghibli anime giant insects

Creep out friends and delight Studio Ghibli anime fans with the Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Pullback Toy Ohmu. This toy "car" is based on the multi-eyed giant insects that live in the Valley of the Wind, called Ohmu ("king bug") in the original movie and manga, and Gorgons in the American 1985 "Warriors of the Wind" version.

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Pullback Toy Ohmu King Bug

Normally these mega bugs are calm creatures with blue eyes. When angry, though, their eyes turn red and they move fast. As such, there are two versions to choose from: the faster, "angry" red-eyed Ohmu or the slower, "calm" blue-eyed Ohmu. The wriggling movements of the bugs are surprisingly realistic!

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Pullback Toy Ohmu King Bug

The Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Pullback Toy Ohmu features:

  • Official licensed Studio Ghibli merchandise
  • Two versions: red or blue
  • Red version is "angry" and moves fast
  • Blue version is "calm" and moves slowly
  • Materials: ABS, PVC
  • No batteries required
  • Instructions: Japanese (but easy to use)

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US$ 33
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