Jiji, the cat belonging to the young witch Kiki from the Studio Ghibli anime Kiki's Delivery Service, is one of the most beloved and lovable characters to spring from the rich imagination of Hayao Miyazaki. And now with the Dancing Jiji Coin Bank, this iconic feline can bring some fun to your home or office while at the same time reminding you of the virtues of saving money.
Sitting on the top of the money box, the cat Jiji is waiting for you to feed it with coins. As soon as you do so, it will start swaying its head, batting its eyelids, and playing music from the radio underneath its paws. And yes, the music is a selection of seven tunes from the Kiki's Delivery Service soundtrack. After you deposit five coins, the music changes. Beautifully detailed, this is the perfect gift for all fans not only of Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki, but of anime and Japanese pop culture in general.
The Dancing Jiji Coin Bank features:
- Officially licensed Studio Ghibli merchandise
- Dimensions: 100 x 240 x 100 mm (3.9 x 9.4 x 3.9)
- Weight: 336 g (11.8 oz)
- Materials: ABS, POM, TPU, EVA, iron
- Power: 2 x AA dry cell alkaline batteries (not included)
- Tunes/Music: 7 selections from the Kiki's Delivery Service soundtrack (On a Clear Day..., A Town with an Ocean View, The Baker's Assistant, Starting the Job, Surrogate Jiji, Jeff, A Very Busy Kiki)
- Instructions: Japanese