They are one of the earliest ways people invented to tell time: a slanted stick which casts its shadow on the ground and, depending on the position of the shadow, shows what time is it. Is there more to this primitive and universal item? Yes, and it's the Undial Sundial Time Projector: in terms of design, materials used (transparent acrylic and brass), and the way the time is displayed (in words laser engraved on the tube), this is a very modern and novel approach to a very old idea.

The Undial Sundial Time Projector comes in five models depending on the Northern Hemisphere latitude (see below for more information on which is the right model for your location). On its tube, the hours are etched in words (one, two, three, etc.). When light hits it, it projects the hour onto your tabletop, hence the "undial" part of its name, since it really doesn't use a dial. If you're looking for a unique clock that won't need batteries or tuning, and will also work as a great conversation starter, this is it!

The Undial Sundial Time Projector features:
- New take on the classic solar clock (sundial)
- Projects the hours
- Northern Hemisphere only
- Laser-engraved
- 5 models/angles: Type 25 (North Latitude 20°-30°), Type 35 (North Latitude 30°-40°), Type 45 (North Latitude 40°-50°), Type 55 (North Latitude 50°-60°), Type 65 (North Latitude 60°-70°)
- Type 25: Okinawa, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Mexico
- Type 35: mainland Japan, Spain, Italy, Central China
- Type 45: Hokkaido France, Ukraine, North America
- Type 55: UK, Germany, South Russia, South Canada
- Type 65: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Central Russia
- Dimensions: 35 x 116-150 mm (1.3 x 4.5 x 5.9")
- Weight: 230-425 g (8.1-14.9 oz)
- Materials: stainless steel, acrylic
- Instructions: Japanese