Sakana-kun is an eccentric Japanese ichthyologist who helps young kids learn about marine life. He has teamed up with Takara Tomy Arts for this Sakana-kun Giant Squid Gummy Marine Life Jelly Candy Molds, which is a set for creating three jelly candy underwater creatures (giant squid, flapjack octopus, and blobfish). All you need is a few basic ingredients to create a unique sea-themed collection of delicious gummis! Experiment with different flavors of juice, syrup and more!
The Sakana-kun Giant Squid Gummy Marine Life Jelly Candy Molds features:
- Molds for making giant squid, flapjack and blobfish gummi (jelly candy)
- Cool in the freezer for approx. 60 minutes
- Includes mixing pot for pouring gummy into the mold trays
- Requires water, powdered gelatin, syrup (or other sweet liquids)
- Images are serving suggestion only
- Instructions: Japanese (but easy to use)