EarthBound Minch Family T-Shirt

Nintendo game character clothing

In the universe of Nintendo's EarthBound, Pokey Minch lives next door to Ness with his with his parents, Aloysius and Lardna Minch, and his younger brother, Picky. While he starts off as Ness's friend, he eventually becomes a minion of Giygas, the franchise's main villain, but the character became enough of a fan favorite to make a crossover to the Super Smash Bros. Franchise. And with the EarthBound Minch Family T-Shirt, you don't just get Pokey (or Porky as he was initially known) but the whole family!

The EarthBound Minch Family T-Shirt is part of the official Earthbound/Mother merchandise lineup from Nintendo, so the illustration of the four members of the Minch family on its center is as good as it would be in the actual games (8-bit graphics and all for that vintage touch). The t-shirt is black, comes in four sizes (S, M, L, and LL), and is made of thick cotton. Wear it with pride and help the world find out about one of the legends of early gaming culture!

Specs and Features:

  • Official Earthbound/Mother merchandise
  • Sizes: S, M, L, LL
  • Color: black
  • Dimensions (S, length x width x shoulder width x sleeve length): 66 x 49 x 43 x 22 cm (26 x 19.3 x 16.9 x 8.7")
  • Dimensions (M, length x width x shoulder width x sleeve length): 68 x 52 x 45 x 23 cm (26.8 x 20.5 x 17.7 x 9")
  • Dimensions (L, length x width x shoulder width x sleeve length): 72 x 55 x 47 x 24 cm (28.3 x 21.7 x 18.5 x 9.4")
  • Dimensions (LL, length x width x shoulder width x sleeve length): 76 x 58 x 50 x 26 cm (29.9 x 22.8 x 19.7 x 10.2")
  • Weight (S): 205 g (7.2 oz)
  • Weight (M): 220 g (7.8 oz)
  • Weight (L): 240 g (8.5 oz)
  • Weight (LL): 268 g (9.5 oz)
  • Material: cotton 100%
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€ 82
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