Traditional Japanese Uchiwa Fan Showa Seven Gods of Good Fortune

Classic crafts in retro design

Between its two religions (Buddhism and Shintoism) and their countless sects, Japan has an abundance of deities who enjoy various levels of popularity. But few would argue that the most popular and ubiquitous is the group called Shichifukujin, or the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, a team of deities from India, China, and Japan that the Japanese believe come on New Year's Day and bring longevity, health, and prosperity. These seven deities (actually six gods and one goddess) beautifully illustrate the Traditional Japanese Uchiwa Fan Showa Seven Gods of Good Fortune!

Made with classic Japanese materials (bamboo, handmade washi paper, and persimmon juice for dyeing), the Traditional Japanese Uchiwa Fan Showa Seven Gods of Good Fortune features an illustration of Ebisu, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Hotei, Fukurokuju, and Jurojin aboard their Treasure Ship as they reach Japan (with Mount Fuji in the background). The design comes from the 1950s and the vintage nostalgia is unashamedly addictive, even if you hail from a different generation. Combined with the optional vertical stand, the fan is truly a beautiful 195 x 375 mm (7.7 x 14.8") decorative ornament!

Specs and Features:

  • Traditional, handmade Japanese uchiwa fan
  • 1950s design
  • Dimensions: 195 x 375 mm (7.7 x 14.8")
  • Materials: bamboo, handmade washi paper, persimmon juice
  • Optional display stand: vertical
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US$ 41
(Option prices include additional shipping costs if applicable)