Not all adults like puzzles but children seem to love them: trying to find out how things work is a natural instinct for the young still in the first stages of their development, and this is the reason children often break apart their toys. Giving them something they can actually take apart and reassemble only helps their imagination and cognitive skills. And if this something is as beautiful as the Space Marbles Pick Up Puzzle, it helps them develop their aesthetic taste as well!
The Space Marbles Pick Up Puzzle is very simple, but that doesn't necessarily make it easy! It's made up of a 157 x 250 x 30 mm (6.2 x 9.8 x 1.2") board (either maple or cherry), and fifteen planet-themed glass marbles (either easier clear glass or more difficult frosted glass) in various colors and sizes that fit in the board's round holes. The idea is to find the right marble for the right hole, which in itself is a little challenging but it becomes even more so because it isn't always so easy to pick up the marble from the hole and put it in a different one! And when the puzzle is complete, the item also makes an attractive ornament.
Specs and Features:
- Wood options: cherry, maple
- Glass options: easy (clear glass), difficult (frosted glass)
- Great for children
- Space/planets theme
- Dimensions: 157 x 250 x 30 mm (6.2 x 9.8 x 1.2")
- Material: natural wood, glass
- Contains small pieces. Not suitable for very small children