These pyramid-inspired kitchen tools will make picking up hot dishes safe and, well, frankly interesting to look at! The pylamitten is a kitchen gloves with a difference. It takes both human engineering and design seriously, a rare thing for a small practical household tool, and the result is an innovative and immediately striking little device for carrying.

Slip the pair of "mittens" on and then just clasp the hot plate or dish. The rungs will mean that nothing will slip, while the mouth-like grip also means your hold remains fast and easy to angle whatever your are carrying. Anyone's who ever burnt their hands in the kitchen will appreciate what a nifty and attractive invention this is. The materials also insure that in spite of being thin, the heat does not transfer to your fingers.

The pylamitten features:
- Pair of pyramid "mittens"
- Size: 185 x 32 x 185mm (7.3 x 1.3 x 7.3")
- Materials: silicone