The Dragon Ball Z Frieza Mask is part of a series of new high-quality latex Dragon Ball character masks by Rubie's Japan. Hailed by the likes of Kotaku as possibly the best masks of their kind, transform yourself into Frieza with this costume accessory. You can add an outfit as an optional extra below if you want the full Frieza effort. The Dragon Ball Kai Frieza costume comes complete with a tail!
The Dragon Ball Z Frieza Mask & Costume features:
- Mask of Frieza with eyes
- Add full Dragon Ball Kai Frieza costume as option below
- Mask made from 100% natural latex
- Costume height: 160-175cm (63-69")
- Costume chest: 81-95cm (31.9-37")
- Costume waist: 61-74cm (24-29")
- Costume hips: 88-98cm (35-37")
- Costume feet size: 25-27cm (10-11")
- Full costume set includes body suit, mask, arm covers, tail, etc
- Mask made in Japan