Transform into the eponymous man-eating giants in the hit anime and live-action movie with the Attack on Titan Face Pack. Based on the characters appearing in Hajime Isayama's manga and anime series, this is a set of two different face packs. While they are uncannily similar to the colors and look of the titans in the anime, they are still also genuine skin care products and will actually help improve the quality of your skin.
The two titans in the set are Colossus Titan (Cho-ogata Kyojin) and Female Titan (Megata no Kyojin), making this an ideal set for couples to enjoy!
The Attack on Titan Face Pack features:
- Officially licensed
- Contains TWO packs (Colossus Titan, Female Titan)
- Ingredients: water, glycerol, BG, Hyaluronan Na, hydrolyzed collagen, vitamin C derivative, lavender, etc
- Instructions: Japanese (but easy to use)