My Neighbor Totoro King-Size Plushie

Studio Ghibli anime character big stuffed toy

He is huge in the anime. And it's this contradiction between his enormous size and warm and kind personality that makes Totoro such an instantly lovable hero. Even the four-year-old Mei felt immediately comfortable near him and this is how you'll feel with the My Neighbor Totoro King-Size Plushie, the only stuffed toy version of the main character of the 1988 Hayao Miyazaki film that does him justice. Sure, it's still missing a couple of meters/feet but is probably as close as you can get to a real Totoro that fits in your living room or bedroom!

My Neighbor Totoro King-Size Plushie comes in two sizes: the large 70 cm (2.3 ft) one and really large 100 cm (3.3 ft) one. Both are made from very soft and fluffy fabric, and are perfect for hugging or just sitting reassuringly on your armchair or couch. As they come from the official Studio Ghibli merchandise line, all the details (eyes, colors, shape of the ears, etc.) have been perfectly designed, making them great as collectibles: at these sizes, the toys are bound to become the centerpiece of any Miyazaki collection!

Specs and Features:

  • Official Studio Ghibli merchandise
  • Options: large, extra large
  • Sizes: 70 cm (2.3 ft), 100 cm (3.3 ft)
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US$ 915
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