Soladey-3 Solar Powered Ionic Toothbrush Set

A very popular item in Japan among consumers and professionals alike, the Soladey-3 is an ionic toothbrush that easily removes plaque and cleans teeth by a simple electron reaction. When light is absorbed by the embedded solar panel, and you begin to brush your teeth, electrons are transmitted through the water to your teeth via the titanium oxide semiconductor. This reaction is not felt by you, but it makes the plaque unstable and easy to remove.

Soladey-3 Solar Powered Ionic Toothbrush Set
Soladey-3 Solar Powered Ionic Toothbrush Set

Included in delivery:

  • 1 Soladey3 toothbrush with regular brush. Please choose a color (orange, purple, red, or blue)
  • FOUR replacement brush (medium head)

Soladey-3 Solar Powered Ionic Toothbrush Set

Altri prodotti in questa categoria
€ 42
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