Fujii Kintsugi Repair Set

Traditional pottery-mending craft kit

Pottery is one of Japan's most exciting art forms (let's face it: those traditional tea bowls and vases are much more than just a craft), but together with pottery unfortunately come accidents and breakages. To deal with that, the Japanese invented a separate art form called kintsugi, literally "gold joinery," where they use a mix of a lacquer made from the sap of the urushi tree and powdered gold to repair the cracks in a way that makes them look as if they were made on purpose. The Fujii Kintsugi Repair Set is a great starter kit for trying your hand at this unique art.

In this set you get a pack of special urushi lacquer and some gold paint powder. Mixing them together allows you to highlight the joint of your repaired broken teacup or other piece of pottery. The kit contains all the tools you need to complete the task, including a plastic spatula, brushes to paint the joint, and extra fine sandpaper to take out any roughness on the area that has been joined. If you are a fan of Japanese pottery, this is an art you will love and breathes new life into all your broken masterpieces!

Specs and Features:

  • Great starter/beginner kit for Japanese kintsugi pottery restoration and repairing broken/chipped dishes
  • Contains: kintsugi-style urushi lacquer 20 g (0.7 oz), plastic spatula, waterproof sandpaper #600, gum turpentine oil 100 cc, silk thread, gloves, brush with real hair, small plate, black brush, gold paint powder, abrasive powder
  • Instructions/manual: Japanese
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€ 99