Collinette Massager

Foot, neck, shoulder massage dish

This sophisticated and attractive Collinette Massager makes a perfect gift item. Shaped out of aluminum and die casting, it comes in either a glazed or mat finish, and can be used to massage the sole of the feet or the shoulders or neck.

Collinette Massager

Each Collinette is hand-crafted by Japanese artisans in Takaoka, which has a four-hundred year history of metalwork. The "hill"-like shape of the Collinette will press onto your aching muscles, the aluminum materials then stimulating the tired nerves back into life again. For best results, warm the Collinette first with a hot towel, or add oils.

Collinette Massager

The Collinette Massager features:

  • Size: 76 x 76 x 30mm (2.3 x 2.3 x 1.2")
  • Materials: aluminum, die casting
  • Version: Glazed finish, mat finish
  • Designed by Yoshiki Matsuyama
  • Made in Japan

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€ 38
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