Inspired by the Papa character from the popular Fujo Akatsuka manga Tengai Bakabon, Thanko has taken his trademark piece of clothing, his haramaki, and given it some practical help in the form of USB-powered heating. Bakabon's Papa is known for his catchphrase, Kore de ii noda (It'll be all right like this) and this heated haramaki will certainly prove his optimism to be true in the colder months of the year.
The haramaki is a type of Japanese body belt, worn for extra heat or protection. This one might well be inspired by a silly manga character (complete with Papa's face decorating the haramaki itself) but there's no joke when it comes to keeping you genuinely warm on your back or belly. Perfect for when you are spending long, chilly hours in front of your computer!
The Tensai Bakabon Papa USB Heated Haramaki features:
- Size; 300 x 25 x 185mm (11.8 x 1 x 7.3")
- Weight: 120g (4.2 oz)
- Power: USB 1.0, 2.0
- Includes haramaki, USB cable (around 150cm, 59.1")
- Instructions: Japanese (but self-explanatory)