Punirunes Touchable Digital Pet

Tactile character toy

We are all familiar with the concept of a digital pet device, but how about one that's more interactive and even tactile? That's the cute concept behind the Punirunes Touchable Digital Pet, Takara-Tomy's update on this successful format. You can literally put your finger into the hole in the device to pet the digital character. Available in three colors (pink, purple, mint), the award-winning Punirunes features more than 50 characters that are very squishy and addictive to touch! There are lots of modes and scenarios, including eating, bathing, and cleaning, and there are also several mini games. As you look after your Punirunes, it grows up, gets bigger, and transforms into other characters.

Specs and Features:

  • Color: pink, purple, mint
  • Tactile and interactive digital pet/character toy
  • Modes: games, feeding, bathing, cleaning, etc.
  • Characters: 50+
  • 3 levels: Baby Puni, Kids Puni, Otona Puni
  • Use "Puni no moto" to take care of your character
  • Clear certain stages/conditions to unlock rare characters
  • For ages 6 and above
  • Interface display language: Japanese
  • Instructions/manual: Japanese
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AU$ 174
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