Queen's Guard Driver USB Memory Stick

Buckingham Palace soldier 4GB 8GB dongle

These jolly chaps have taken a break from guarding Buckingham Palace and can now keep watch over your PC! Yes, with the Queen's Guard Driver in your USB slow, you won't have to worry about pesky intruders ever again! Looking just like the famous red uniformed soldiers from London, complete with tall furry black helmet, the USB sticks can store either 4GB or 8GB's worth of memory, plus also have fully moveable and flexible limbs -- meaning they function as marching toys as well!

Queens Guard Driver USB Memory Stick

Queens Guard Driver USB Memory Stick

Choose which memory capacity you want and then have hours of fun at your desk playing with your new PC guard. The dongles are compatible with USB on Windows, Mac and Linux systems. A great gift for Anglophiles or gadget lovers!

Queens Guard Driver USB Memory Stick

Queens Guard Driver USB Memory Stick

The Queen's Guard Driver USB Memory Stick features:

  • Memory: 4GB or 8GB (choose below)
  • Works with Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 / Mac OS X / Linux

Queens Guard Driver USB Memory Stick
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€ 39
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