The figure of Totoro, the forest spirit from Studio Ghibli's 1988 anime masterpiece My Neighbor Totoro, is as familiar to the Japanese as the figure of Mickey Mouse is, well, also to the Japanese, but to the rest of the world as well. If you have seen any picture of Totoro, you will understand why: Totoro is lovable, cute, and makes both of the main characters in the film and the viewer feel secure! If you think you could use a little Totoro in your life, the My Neighbor Totoro Salt and Pepper Shakers are a great way to get not just one but two!
Made of fine bone china porcelain by Noritake, a company that has been making Japan's finest china since 1876, the My Neighbor Totoro Salt and Pepper Shakers aren't just as cute as the creature they are made to look like, they are also two pieces of quality tableware that will look good at even the fanciest dinner setting. Give your table a touch of Hayao Miyazaki's genius with this classy (yet cute!) set.
The My Neighbor Totoro Salt and Pepper Shakers feature:
- Official Studio Ghibli merchandise
- Material: bone china porcelain
- Dimensions: 5 x 4 x 6 cm (1.9 x 1.5 x 2.3")
- Made by historic porcelain maker Noritake