Mizo Mobile Stool

Felt foldable briefcase chair seat

The Mizo Mobile Stool is a funky and ultra-compact "briefcase chair" that can be folded up and carried around while almost flat. Its color schemes (in a choice of three versions) are warm and homely, while its functionality is beyond fault. There is even a handle built into the design, so carrying your new favorite seat from room to room, or place to place couldn't be any easier. The felt materials are also super comfortable too.

Mizo Mobile Stool

The Mizo Mobile Stool features:

  • Version: small or large
  • Colors: red, gray, black
  • Small: 260 x 180 x 300mm (10.2 x 7.1 x 11.8")
  • Large: 350 x 255 x 410mm (13.8 x 10 x 16.1")

Mizo Mobile Stool
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€ 279
(Les prix des options peuvent inclure des frais de livraison supplémentaires)