Nico Burger Game

Food balance game

Another great Japanese balance game for friends and all the family now, the Nico Burger Game can be played by up six people and looks as cute as it is fun to play. You will first find the wide selection of "slices": Buns, lettuce, bacon, egg, meat, cheese, onions and so on!

Nico Burger Game

Then shuffle and place the cards (the "food orders") in a pile. Depending on what the menu is on the card you take from the top, you then have to stack the "tower" up with the bread, meat, lettuce and other pieces.

Nico Burger Game

As this burger gets higher and higher, it gets harder and harder to add more to the top. How good are you are grilling and preparing the fast food?! It takes a genius architect to balance all the pieces in the tower. Take a look at these cute yong girls to see how much fun this game is!

There are also other games you can play, such as a speed game where you deal yourself and your partner three random cards each and then seeing who can finish making the three mini towers first. Or you can even play a kind of burger checkers!

Nico Burger Game

The Nico Burger Game features:

  • For up to 6 players
  • 36 pieces
  • Also includes board, cards (x 20)
  • Recommended for ages 6 and up
  • Instructions: Japanese (but self-explanatory)

Nico Burger Game
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€ 42