Created by Donguri Kyowakoku as an official item of Studio Ghibli merchandise, the Castle in the Sky Laputa Hanging Planter gives you a model of the movie floating island for your own home and garden. You can plant greenery of your choice in this planter and then hang it on your balcony or porch, offering a 360-degree view of the flying island of Laputa from Hayao Miyazaki's 1986 anime classic.
The Castle in the Sky Laputa Hanging Planter features:
- Official Studio Ghibli merchandise
- Hanging length (chain to island): around 35cm (34")
- Size: around 140 x 95 x 135mm (5.5 x 3.7 x 5.3")
- Planter diameter: around 70mm (2.8")
- Plants not included