Valentine Sale 2025

Aderia Glass Peach Cream Soda Food Sample Kit

1970s-style vintage glass and fake food DIY set

Owning your own food sample, those replicas of dishes and drinks you see outside most restaurants in Japan, has become almost a rite of passage for tourists from abroad. And for good reason, since the amount of work and detail that goes into these items is astonishing. Just take a look at the pieces that make up the Aderia Glass Peach Cream Soda Food Sample Kit. Even for something that is a DIY set that you build yourself, the end result will fool everyone!

From the texture of the wafer to the shining of the cherry and the tiny bubbles in the soda, everything in the Aderia Glass Peach Cream Soda Food Sample Kit is professional-level quality, indistinguishable from the samples in front of any Tokyo kissaten coffeehouse. Even the vintage, 1970s Hanamawashi glass looks authentic: it comes from a collaboration with the glass-maker Aderia/Ishizuka, who first designed it 50 years ago, during the time when these ice cream floats were all the rage!

Specs and Features:

  • Contains: juice pack (gelatin), plastic Aderia Hanamawashi glass, ice cubes (plastic), waffle with Aderia Retro logo, cherry (vinyl resin), ice cream (vinyl resin), paper flag
  • Tools needed: hot water (90-100°C/194-212°F), room-temperature water, bowls, spoon, disposable chopsticks, rubber gloves, scissors, towel
  • Glass capacity: 320 ml (11 fl oz)
  • For ages 14 years and over
  • Instructions/manual: Japanese
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